Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Under the Radar

When did the new logo go up? I've only just noticed it - another work of magic. I'm disappointed there isn't a Stephen Hawking silhouette in the orbit though ...

Hi Nick, thought I'd edit your post to let you see your idea...

Not really doing it for me (although looks more like Dr Strangelove). The original is way better - love the use of negative to fit the alien onto saturn TT. Very pleasing!



  1. I tried to represent as many aspects of space culture as I could.

    - Human space exploration
    - Planetary bodies
    - Sci-Fi (Hollywood and Japanese)
    - Alien conspiracy/first contact/the psychology of fear of the unknown
    - New-age space-origins thinking

    In terms of 2D outlines, it pretty hard to represent controversial theoretical physics. I should've just gone for Sigourney Weaver in her skimpies.

  2. I was thinking of a wheelchair.

    It's brilliant, though, TD. I love the space invaders.

  3. Reeeeeeow. There's probably a black hole in there as well, it's just we can't see it. Am I right? Am I right? Am I?

  4. Splended editing. It certainly is more Strangelove than Hawking though. I was thinking more along the lines of a series of mini Hawkings swirling around the orbit of an alien planet (we've all thought about it), but it's probably an image too powerful, too intense, to regard with human eyes. Your edit has definitely satiated a need though. Thank you very much indeed.
