Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Space Project: Phase 2 Blueprints

Listed by musical composer, theme, recipient

Barney (Space Junk) to Eric and Tim T
Mike (Free Choice) to Ash
Ash (Gully Foyle) to Dan W
Greg (Alexey Leonov) to Kip
Dan G (Droids) to Greg
Rob (Voyager) to Craig
Incredible flight of birdman (Freeman Lowell) to Tim M
Joe and Greg (Yuri Gagarin) to Julian
Jim (Free choice) to Tim T
Kip (Laika) to Barney
Dan W (Free choice) to Kip
Tim T/Eric (Dave 2001) to Rob
Julian (Wormholes) to Birdman
Tim M (Pluto) to Dan W
Craig (free choice) to Julian
Joe (James Turrell) to Kelly

1 comment:

  1. I pooed out a little black hole this morning. I couldn't wipe my botty either, coz the paper kept disappearing up my rump. Every theme and combination promises BIG things.
