Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ta Da 2

Some possible issues of copyright with some of the images used on the last cover had prompted a re-think. The original concept didn't work without most of the subject matter represented so I trawled Nasa's copyright free gallery for inspiration. And there it was - Astronaut Mike Gernhardt doing the classic foreshortened flying pose of a Superhero. In Space! ( )

A few tweaks, a bit of smoke for effect, lots of sparkle and shine and out pops a new cover.
Thanks Mike...


  1. Again brilliant! The pose is amazing and as for the robot loris reflection in the visor.....well! Remarkable x

  2. I've just realised that the more I look at this cover the MORE I want to eat a Wham bar. Mmmmmm. Pinky goodness.
