Saturday, February 21, 2009

What does space sound like?

A noisy vacuum (not cleaner mind). I'm jumping off the Hubble tip and am now going to write (or have nearly finished writing) some music around the theme of Space Junk. For this I want to incorporate some found sounds and stumbled across this site.

I've checked with Sven who runs the site and he says that providing we name check the individuals that contributed the samples, we can use them. What a nice man. I'll use one or two so our credits list for the album doesn't run too long.

I hope everyone else is having fun with the Space theme. I'm having a ball, and also getting quite nostalgic thinking back to the previous 2 albums we've put together. So nostalgic in fact that I'm going to incorporate aspects of our previous recordings into this one. OOOOOOH, how exciting. I will however, in doing so, be clearly violating our strict Creative Commons Licence which says no derivative works. I hope the masters of the IML won't sue me. Please don't. Please don't sue me.

Finally, thanks to my dad for showing me the composite photo above which depicts the known space junk currently orbiting Earth. This is what inspired me to switch themes.

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