Thursday, April 9, 2009


Yesterday, I spent the whole day programming, chopping-up and editing robots. Good old Microsoft Mike did the honours, singing on Jim's track about DEXTRE the Canadian space hand. I have to admit (though its a crazy-making process) I LOVE editing robots! Mike comes out with the most random and ridiculous pronunciations and bullsh*t. I also wrangled with some Vocodering, via Cubase's lovely VST plug-in. I'd love to have pitched Mike, Cornelius-style, but I don't have the budget for Melodyne right now. This is what Cornelius does with robots....


  1. Tim, if you're using Windows and want pitched robots, I can get you a program (rhymes with "Shmautotune") that I uh, "bought" with my "student discount." So yep, let me know.

  2. cornelius is a master. Track approach sounds cool T, can imagine it really working with Jim's music. I've got some singing robots on mine too. Anyone else?!!!

    This album is going to be so 'out there'...
